25 ML - Rs. 136
50 ML - Rs. 218
100 ML - Rs. 342
250 ML - Rs. 767
500 ML - Rs. 1384
1 LTR - Rs. 2619
RS. 80RS. 100
Leo Magic Plus
5 ML - RS. 98
10 ML - RS. 158
25 ML - RS. 308
50 ML - RS. 551
100 ML - RS. 1024
Leo Agri Science
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Leo Agri Science is a leading Indian agriculture company that specializes in producing quality Agricultural Inputs. Our products have bonded the lives of many million farmers, Since 2014 of fabulous operations more than 2 million farmers have put their faith in our products, every year and we are involved in manufacturing, imports, and exports of all kinds of agricultural inputs. We have a well highly equipped R&D laboratory, manufacturing units, and ensure the best quality product reaches the farmer in the brand name of “LEO AGRI SCIENCE”.
Now, “LEO AGRI SCIENCE” is firmly positioned to address the emerging local and global challenges. Our extensive high-quality product range that includes insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, micronutrients, Farm services and extensive service back-up for modern, sustainable agriculture. Known for the ability to build and sustain brands that spell quality.